Hi, my name is Janice and I am the founder of www.learning4kids.net
What started off as a hobby has grown into a busy popular go-to website for parents and educators. I am a qualified teacher and share my passion and love for learning through meaningful play opportunities and activities on Learning 4 Kids.
The aim of Learning4kids is to create an online resource where parents and educators can find a useful box of activities and play ideas to do with their children that will also help promote learning and development. Most importantly, that are FUN!
I am also a Mum of 3 and understand the pressures that family life can bring. Learning4kids is a place where parents find information, products and resources to assist with some of these pressures. This is where relevant brands come into play.
Why work with Learning 4 Kids?

I love working with and developing relationships with like-minded people and connecting our readers with great products and services.
* Learning4Kids has a large concentrated audience of parents and educators. My readers are your customers!
* Highly respected website.
* Genuine and quality content that brings great results.
* Exclusive sidebar advertisement. Your brand will not be competing with other adverts.
* Over 1.3 million Facebook Followers
Side Bar Banner Advertising

Learning 4 Kids currently offers one exclusive advertisement opportunity high on our side bar. A large 283px x 226px image will not be competing with any other brand or advert bringing you advert/brand the best exposure. This advertisement space sells very fast and can be booked out in advance.
Please email janice@learning4kids.net to discuss availability and I will email you our current media kit with all our current information about our website traffic, prices and packages.
Other Opportunities
* Sponsored posts.
* Reviews and give-aways
* Ambassador programs
* Native advertisement
* Social Media Advertisement
* And other unique opportunities and combined packages tailored to fit your brand.
Please email janice@learning4kids.net to discuss availability and I will email you our current media kit with all our current information about our website traffic, prices and packages.
Please fill out our contact form:
[contact_form]Guidelines for Advertising, Reviews and Give-aways
* Learning 4 Kids will only promote or review products/services that I feel will be an interest to our audience and fit the style of my blog.
* Give-Aways and Competitions will be conducted within legal terms and guidelines and prizes will be shipped directly to the winners.
* All content that has ben paid for will have a clear disclosure statement at the beginning or end of the post. All paid links will have a nofollow attachment.
* All content will be written in my own voice, own style and I will always provide my honest opinion.
* Any changes to sponsored blog posts will be only factual ones and will not influence the tone, wording or personal voice of the author.