It’s cold, wet and I’m a little over winter! Bring on the sunshine! I love getting out doors and I wasn’t going to let the cold weather stop us from doing our nature walk. We rugged up warm and put on our rain coats just in case and off we went. We took a basket with us to collect some nature things and had fun playing with them when we got home.
Let’s Play
The focus of the nature walk was to explore our senses of sight, sound, smell and touch. Although we talked about the sense of taste, we did not do this for obvious reasons. We also focused on collecting a small basket of ‘natural’ things in our environment. It is always interesting to see what they pick up and find!
During our collecting of nature things, is raised a discussion of living and non-living things. Leaves on tress were still living and those on the floor were no longer. We talked about what we should collect and what we shouldn’t and why?
Come on! I’m ready to go home…..
Let’s Learn
Exploring and touching the things we found. Some things were rough, soft and prickly! Even a little creepy crawly made it into our nature collection. A magnifying glass would heighten the exploration of the nature collection immensely. We plan to make a nature collage with all the wonderful things we collected.
Benefits of a nature walk are:
- Getting out doors, fresh air and exercise.
- Develop a sense of respect, caring and appreciation for our natural environment.
- Development of the senses; looking, touching and feeling, smelling and listening.
- Language development- introducing new and descriptive words.
You can do a nature walk in you very own back yard. You could also do this at the park, grandparents’ house or even at the beach.