- Encourages newborns to focus and recognise faces.
- Promotes and encourages eye-tracking skills as growing babies watch and follow the moving butterflies.
- Encourages the development of concentration and attention as older babies look and focus on the details and colours on the projected images.
- Soothing music, lullabies and nature sounds helps learning to sooth and unwind.
- Encourages babies to learn to process the pitch of the music which is an essential foundation for language development.

- Is leave a comment here on learning4kids – answering the question: “What is your child’s favourite lullaby song?”

My child is 8 months old. He loves ” Mama’s little baby loves shortening shortening. Mama’s little baby loves shortening bread”. He giggles whenever I sing it
She is 8 weeks old and just LOVES when I sing “Your Song”by Elton John very softly.. …”i hope you don’t mind, that I put down in words, how wonderful life is, now your in the world!!” So very appropriate xxx
When my little man was unsettled and upset the only song that would soothe him was ‘wotty, wott oo wotty wotty wot wot’ yep, the theme from the wot wots tv show. Nothing else soothed him
My little one’s favourite is an old one but a goodie, ‘twinkle twinkle little star’ 🙂
My son loved “you are my sunshine” and both my son and my daughter loved me humming th traditional lullaby tune
I’ve sung Twinkle Twinklw Little Star to my son since he was in the womb. One night when he was about 10 months old my aunty was trying to settle him for me as I was having no luck. She walked him outside, returned a little while later saying she started singing Twinkle Twinkle and he settled instantly, she could see the recognition in his eyes!!!
Hush , little baby …. I usually have to make my own words up because I forget them, but my favourite line is … if that diamond ring don’t shine, mama’s gunna buy a big case of WINE !!!
Brenda’s favorite song is the ants go marching one by one. It was something that my husband actually knew and I guess she likes the repetition because it conks her out really quick!
Twinkle Twinkle little star is fantastic especially suffering from pretty bad colic and reflux it just helped to sooth him so well. Music is essential in his sleep routine!
Madam L LOVES “Seesaw Margery Daw”. We started singing the first line of it to her when she got a little yellow kmart seesaw. We only sang the first line as that’s all any of us could remember!! However I had to look up the words just recently as now she is singing the first line over and over and over and over and… well, you get the picture (; So now we know the whole song, AND the meaning behind it haha 🙂 Love that we all learned something new as a result of teaching our precious girl. Thanks for the great opportunity to win Janice, and for all the fabulous ideas. I have just referred my cousin to your blog and fb page. She is a year 6 teacher, and was looking for some fun activities her class could do with their little “buddies” (year 1’s i think?). Thanks again! x
my daughter LOVES hush little baby!
My baby is 17 months old he loves “Jesus Loves Me” its soft and soothing when he was born and in the Hospital after his Open Heart Surgery I would sing this and it has really been our number one song.
My daughter loves “The Wheels on the Bus”. Not much of a lullaby, but it helps her relax.
Little one isn’t here yet, but one of my favorites is Baby Beluga!
It’s mostly me just humming & rocking. I can never remember words, so it’s just humming to no particular tune or song.
It’s an oldie but a classic, “Rock-a-bye-baby” – i have sung it to both my kids during the quiet time going to bed and it is such a comfort song for all of us!
the favorite song here is mockingbird
Twinkle twinkle little star is a very much loved one in our household.
All of my children loved Twinkle twinkle litlle star…now my young granddaughter (1 & nearly 2 years old) love it just as much!
My youngest Cruz who’s 5 months favorite lullaby is ” your are my Sunshine ” I been singing it since Birth and i incorapte his Name into the Song which gets his attention every time once I start singing the song even if he’s crying.
My son and I go outside and sing twinkle twinkle little star and Hey diddle diddle every night before bed. His favourite is Hey diddle diddle.
My 10 week old loves twinkle twinkle little star especially when his brother and sister sing it. I also sing ‘lullaby’ by the Dixie Chicks.
My daughter used to enjoy listening to us sing church songs when she was small…she loves the music her daddy listens to, too!