Bubble Wrapped Blocks Painting Activity is a great painting activity that is suitable for differing ages. All children can create and play with the paint and bubble wrap as their own pace and ability using the blocks wrapped in bubble wrap. The blocks wrapped up in bubble wrap are the perfect size for little hands to hold and grasps as they paint.
Bubble wrap is so much fun to play with, it is also a great tool for creating patterns with paint.
What you will need?

You will need bubble wrap, sticky tape, blocks, coloured paints and paper.
To make the bubble wrapped blocks, we cut the bubble wrap width to fit the length of the block. Leaving the ends open, we then rolled the block inside the bubble wrap with the bumpy side outwards a couple of times. We then fastened the end with sticky tape. Try and avoid the sticky tape on the sides of the block where the paint will be applied.
Let’s Play

Some Ideas:
- The creativity and imagination is endless when painting with bubble wrapped blocks. You could paint a rainbow, sunset or just print away with the patterns forming with paint and bubble wrap on the paper.
- Make homemade gift wrap for wrapping up a present.
- Make simple patterns, such as red, blue, red, blue to encourage basic maths skills and predicting what comes next.
- Depending on the age of the child, your child may like to write a small description of what their painting is of. If the child is much younger, model the writing in front of them by scribing down their verbal description of what their painting is of.
Let’s Learn

Bubble Wrapped Blocks are also a great learning tool for literacy and numeracy activities. Children can print and trace over faint pencil lines of alphabet letters, numbers, shapes, sight words and also learning their name.
Learning Opportunities

- Hand and eye coordination.
- Becoming familiar with alphabet letters and letters in their name.
- Self-esteem- developing a sense of pride and achievement.
- Fine Motor Development – Pre-writing skills
- Concentration
- Language development – letter names, making the sounds each letter makes.
- Creativity and imagination
- Read and recognise own name.
More Play Ideas

Click here for more NAME ACTIVITIES