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Making Blackberries with Blackberry Play Dough

After exploring fresh blackberries with our five senses, we then went on to create our own blackberries using Blackberry Play Dough.

This play dough is delightful and I am really happy with the way it turned out.  It imitates blackberries really well with the gorgeous sweet blackberry scent, colour and the small flecks of blackberry seeds throughout.

We made this play dough using crushed fresh blackberries, blackberry jam and a basic play dough recipe.  Everyone had a turn at mixing all the ingredients in the pan before I cooked it on the stove.  To download and print this recipe, click here: Blackberry Play Dough Recipe 

We recalled our observations from the previous activity where we explored the fresh blackberries.  The blackberries looked like lots of small round balls squashed together like a miniature bunch of grapes.  So we created our play dough blackberries using these observations by rolling lots of small play dough balls and squashing them together.  The girls had lots of fun, Miss 18 months particularly loved to squash them together.  Now we had our very own imitation of blackberries, which smelt and looked similar to real blackberries.


After making our play dough blackberries, the girls played with the blackberry play dough creating and making a range of things.


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Hi and welcome to Learning 4 Kids!

My name is Janice and I am an Early Childhood Teacher in Australia.

I have a strong passion and love for teaching and creating meaningful learning experiences for my students. What I love most is watching children discover in those amazing light bulb moments. I hope Learning4kids brings you some useful ideas.

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