The Minion Play Dough Fun activity was inspired by the Minions in the movie Despicable Me.
Over the recent school holidays, we had a movie afternoon with popcorn and while the kids were watching the movie, I was making play dough in the kitchen. I had nothing really planned for the play dough and asked the kids what colour I should make. Each of them called out a different colour of course. 🙂 We talked about the different colours they had chosen and what they could do with it. It was then that my youngest got the idea and what so excited, she squealed “let’s make Minions with play dough!” So this is how we ended up with yellow play dough and the Minions Play Dough Fun Activity.
It was so much fun (and easy to set up)!
What you will need?

You will need yellow play dough, yellow or gold glitter, large to medium googly eyes, black and blue felt, black pipe cleaners and scissors.
We cut the black felt into thin strips of fabric, the blue felt in rectangles and the pipe cleaners cut into approximately 2cm lengths.
To make the play dough, I used this recipe but changed the food colouring to yellow and added some gold and yellow glitter.
Let’s Play

Some Ideas:
- Google ‘Minion Images’ to get some ideas, discuss these ideas and how you could create them with the items provided.
- Talk about challenges that arise, such as the felt not sticking to the play dough and trial some solutions. We did find that the felt did not stick as well as we would like but we discovered through trial and error that you can fold a small about on play dough over the edges of the felt. You can see an example of this in the image below.
- Design and create your very own Minion character. Start by drawing a plan of what your minion looks like and then re-create this with play dough.
- Place all the play dough minions made into order from the shortest to the tallest or the thinnest to the widest.
- Allow an opportunity for children to create freely with the play dough and tools provided. At the very end of our Minion Play Dough Fun, my kids placed all the play dough into a large blob and created a 10-eyed, spikey, furry, crazy looking monster.
Let’s Learn

Learning Opportunities
- Creativity & Imagination
- Fine Motor Development
- Hand-Eye Coordination and Control
- Measurement and maths concepts: experimenting with size, space and area.
- Language development
- Problem Solving – overcoming challenges
- Social – sharing, collaboration and cooperation.

If you are looking for Minion based activities, be sure to check out Mrs Moorman’s pretend play Gru’s Science Lab.
Click here for more PLAY DOUGH activities & play ideas
Click here for lots of different PLAY DOUGH RECIPES
I have to find something for 4 year old kids to play with so I thought I would look up ideas for kids to play with for a 4 year old child. this website helped me a lot. this is for an assignment to go to daycare. thankyou for the help.